Shaping today’s leaders. Empowering tomorrow’s teams. Meeting the future with confidence.

I’m Ana Larrea-Albert, a leadership and organizational development expert who is committed to helping leaders just like you elevate your life and business.
It’s no secret, change is hard. In fact, as individuals and organizations, we are wired to protect ourselves from change. However, the only way to grow—to maximize your true potential and reach your biggest dreams–is by embracing change, using your capacity to learn, growing into your strengths, and acknowledging areas where improvement is necessary.
The question is, are you ready?
New Book!!
I’m excited to introduce you to my new book, The Confident Leader. From Self-doubt to Authentically You.

Confident Leader Lab | Leadership Accelerator: 90-day 1:1 coaching program for high-performing professionals ready to feel confident in their leadership.
Latina Leadership Collective: Showcasing women who inspire. Empowering Latinas to reach their goals.

Brand Yourself as a Leader | Be the CEO of You
Own Your Leadership Story
Turning Challenges into Opportunities
Changing the Narrative of Hispanic | Latino | Latinx Leadership

Elevate your culture
Empower your executive team
Embrace and manage change
Lead with your business with storytelling

The Confident Leader
ZeeZee Can Save the Planet
ZeeZee Can Make the World Smile
Published Academic Research
“Ana’s expert leadership, knowledge, and cross-functional relationships allowed her to manage high expectations while defining a clear path for this critical growth area…Her business acumen and strong communication skills were demonstrated in gaining senior-level buy-in for her marketing plans for the region.”
Asim K.
“During the time I have known her, Ana has demonstrated an unwavering enthusiasm, driven by a cause larger than herself. She has proven to be a successful leader in the business world and her commitment to help the community will lead her to create lasting impact in public service.”
Dan G.
“I was immediately struck by Ana’s intelligence, especially her consideration of how and where to reach people with a message they care about when and where they care about seeing it. Ana made such a huge impact. We literally could not accomplish so much without her!”